Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chi Chi Chia

Remember the Chia Pet?   This one is definitely one of my personal favorites.  I will never forget the year my parents went to a big Halloween party and they dressed up as Mr. T and Whoopi Goldberg.  I'll spare the photo resurrection for their sake ;)

While this fun little pet might convince you of your hidden green thumb, the seeds that turn into Mr. T's Mohawk are actually very good for you!

Chia seeds are the new wave, and they might just outshine Flaxseeds....they are just as, if not easier (no grinding required), to incorporate into your daily diet.

Chia is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and both insoluble and soluble fiber.   When chia is added to a liquid, (water, milk, yogurt, soup, etc.) it expands and swells coating it with a gel like substance (which is the soluble fiber), this soluble fiber slows the conversion of carbs to sugars which is very beneficial for diabetics.  Not only will diabetics benefit from this attribute, but athletes as well, especially runners, who look to sustain their energy over time.

The soluble fiber the seed possesses is what causes is to swell in the liquid, which means that it can help lower your cholesterol, especially the LDL (the bad stuff!), as well as act as a prebiotic and help to feed the good bacteria in your digestive system.  Incorporating an adequate amount of fiber in your diet is so important because it will ensure the proper digestion of our food, and in chia's case, keep our colons good and hydrated (too much information?)

Chia is high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, zinc, and boron (a trace mineral that aids your body in calcium absorption, very good for strong bones!), AND, its gluten free!

I try and incorporate Chia into practically anything I can think of.  They have no taste, so its very easy to sprinkle them on anything.  My favorites are, greek yogurt, some fruit and granola for breakfast, soups, cereal and milk, I've even added them to saute pans, and baked goods.

You can find them at health food stores, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, even some of the gourmet supermarkets are now carrying them, or you can find them online here...

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