Monday, April 19, 2010

(Prematurely?) Grey...Catalase!

My sister is 29 years young, and over the last 2 or 3 years she has begun to experience some new friends in her life...grey hairs! Wait, did I say friends? I'm sorry they're more like enemies I presume. Both, my sister and I have been blessed with a great head of hair from my parents. They have both always had thick, healthy hair. My dad is completely salt and pepper (on its way to white) and my mom definitely visits the salon every couple of weeks for the touch up dye job. But, who's to blame, they're both in their 60s! They still look great. My sister, however, stresses over her new found grey's and having to dye her hair so early in life is a chore she wishes she wouldn't have to bother with. In fact, because it can also be a someone pricey chore, in the past she has opted for the at home, drugstore dye job. WOW - I will never forget the summer afternoon, I came out to Long Island from the city to find her sitting in the back yard in direct sun trying as hard as ever to strip her hair of the infamous drugstore dye. Her hair, no joke, was so black, that it was BLUE. She called salons all over the island begging for advice on what to do. She tried every trick in the book, clarifying shampoo, Pert Plus, all while sitting out in the sun with shampoo in her hair!! She washed and washed and washed 3 times over......only to find out that only time would heal the wounds of the storyteller drugstore dye job.
So I saw Kristen, my sister, and she didn't even have to point out the greys for me to see....she needed a visit to the salon. I said to her, and my parents, "have you done any research on the topic, and maybe slowing the speed of how quickly your hair turns?" They all laughed and said, "Sam, you just wait! It's just going to happen! All of us went grey early!" Now I do understand that some of what they're saying is true, that genetics do have a large effect on this subject, but I also, with all things believe that everything you get out of your body, every reaction, is a direct effect of what you put into your body, AKA the food you eat!

I did some research on my own and found that Catalase, an enzyme naturally produced by the body, or anything exposed to oxygen, aids in converting hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. When there is not enough catalase being produced, hair becomes bleached from the inside out by the abundance of hydrogen peroxide that is not being broken down by the catalase. It's been shown that a diet rich in antioxidants (free radical killers) and exercise can increase the production of catalase.

Certain cellular enzymes including catalase, are the primary free radical-fighting potions in our cells. Glutathione helps to fortify these enzymes and protect many structures throughout our bodies. N-Acetyl Cysteine is the component responsible for the production of Glutathione.

Cysteine can be found in a variety of foods including poultry, yogurt, red peppers, garlic, oats, wheat germ, egg yolks, onions, brussel sprouts and broccoli, as well as in a supplement form.

I don't have much of a problem with grey hair, in fact, I think it makes you look quite distinguished! Others, would beg to differ :P -- Maybe I will too when I start to go grey...

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