Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Listen Up

YIKES!  It has been a while!

I won't bore you with the updates on the life and time's since my last post in November, but I would like to share a little something that I learned about myself recently....

The point of this post is to "Listen up!"  What I mean by that is, listen to your body...never ignore it...don't be a tough guy....

While I have my opinions on doctors, and modern medicine...I do believe in annual physicals, and check ups.

Over the last couple of months, I have noticed different changes in my body....after reading The China Study, I will be honest, I cut out the majority of meat that I was eating, for a short while, 100% of it.  Most of the time, I was feeling great, but then I gradually noticed other times where I would find myself becoming extremely fatigued.  I could be having a conversation with somebody and just become so sluggish feeling, my vision seemed to blur, and I just did not feel like a 26 year old.   I started to wonder about this, not only because it was a little strange, but also because it was bothering me!  Here I am, eating a good diet, getting plenty of fresh veggies, legumes for protein, fiber, fat, calcium......but I wasn't eating meat.  Of course first thing I did was turn to the internet, and convinced myself I had a hypoactive thyroid.  I started bulking up on seaweed salads and fish (especially cod) which are rich in iodine, which stimulates the thyroid gland.

Finally I said, enough is enough, being able to run 5 miles, yet dreading walking up a hill in my neighborhood, because of how fatigued it made me feel was  downright frustrating.

After seeing the doc, and getting some blood test results, turns out I'm slightly deficient in B12 and folic acid vitamins (a common problem in vegetarianism).  But, thankfully, not something to worry about.   I picked up some supplements, and have decided to make sure I'm getting a little more meat, more often...however, buying organic chicken in NYC is no walk in the park.  $25/for a pack of 3 breasts!  That's highway robbery if you ask me!  This brings up another point I'd like to make...........

Why exactly are we forced to pay more for organic food?  I understand, it takes longer to cultivate, this and that, but really, we're not asking for the addition of any costly hormones and antibiotics in our animals or pesticides in our supersized plants....we just want what God has naturally established for us, the process of life and ultimately death!

Have I complained too much in this post?  I promise the next one will be more uplifting :P

Happy Groundhog's Day!  Spring is right around the corner!!!

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